Class PDFParserConfig

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PDFParserConfig
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Config for PDFParser.

    This allows parameters to be set programmatically:

    1. Calls to PDFParser, i.e. parser.getPDFParserConfig().setEnableAutoSpace() (as before)
    2. Constructor of PDFParser
    3. Passing to PDFParser through a ParseContext: context.set(PDFParserConfig.class, config);

    Parameters can also be set by modifying the file, which lives in the expected places, in trunk: tika-parsers/src/main/resources/org/apache/tika/parser/pdf

    Or, in tika-app-x.x.jar or tika-parsers-x.x.jar: org/apache/tika/parser/pdf

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • PDFParserConfig

        public PDFParserConfig()
      • PDFParserConfig

        public PDFParserConfig​(InputStream is)
        Loads properties from InputStream and then tries to close InputStream. If there is an IOException, this silently swallows the exception and goes back to the default.
        is -
    • Method Detail

      • configure

        public void configure​(org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDF2XHTML pdf2XHTML)
        Configures the given pdf2XHTML.
        pdf2XHTML -
      • setExtractAcroFormContent

        public void setExtractAcroFormContent​(boolean extractAcroFormContent)
        If true (the default), extract content from AcroForms at the end of the document. If an XFA is found, try to process that, otherwise, process the AcroForm.
        extractAcroFormContent -
      • setIfXFAExtractOnlyXFA

        public void setIfXFAExtractOnlyXFA​(boolean ifXFAExtractOnlyXFA)
        If false (the default), extract content from the full PDF as well as the XFA form. This will likely lead to some duplicative content.
        ifXFAExtractOnlyXFA -
      • setExtractBookmarksText

        public void setExtractBookmarksText​(boolean extractBookmarksText)
        If true, extract bookmarks (document outline) text.

        Te default is true

        extractBookmarksText -
      • setExtractFontNames

        public void setExtractFontNames​(boolean extractFontNames)
        Extract font names into a metadata field
        extractFontNames -
      • getExtractFontNames

        public boolean getExtractFontNames()
      • setExtractInlineImages

        public void setExtractInlineImages​(boolean extractInlineImages)
        If true, extract inline embedded OBXImages. Beware: some PDF documents of modest size (~4MB) can contain thousands of embedded images totaling > 2.5 GB. Also, at least as of PDFBox 1.8.5, there can be surprisingly large memory consumption and/or out of memory errors. Set to true with caution.

        The default is false.

        extractInlineImages -
        See Also:
      • setExtractUniqueInlineImagesOnly

        public void setExtractUniqueInlineImagesOnly​(boolean extractUniqueInlineImagesOnly)
        Multiple pages within a PDF file might refer to the same underlying image. If extractUniqueInlineImagesOnly is set to false, the parser will call the EmbeddedExtractor each time the image appears on a page. This might be desired for some use cases. However, to avoid duplication of extracted images, set this to true. The default is true.

        Note that uniqueness is determined only by the underlying PDF COSObject id, not by file hash or similar equality metric. If the PDF actually contains multiple copies of the same image -- all with different object ids -- then all images will be extracted.

        For this parameter to have any effect, extractInlineImages must be set to true.

        Because of TIKA-1742 -- to avoid infinite recursion -- no matter the setting of this parameter, the extractor will only pull out one copy of each image per page. This parameter tries to capture uniqueness across the entire document.

        extractUniqueInlineImagesOnly -
      • setEnableAutoSpace

        public void setEnableAutoSpace​(boolean enableAutoSpace)
        If true (the default), the parser should estimate where spaces should be inserted between words. For many PDFs this is necessary as they do not include explicit whitespace characters.
      • setSuppressDuplicateOverlappingText

        public void setSuppressDuplicateOverlappingText​(boolean suppressDuplicateOverlappingText)
        If true, the parser should try to remove duplicated text over the same region. This is needed for some PDFs that achieve bolding by re-writing the same text in the same area. Note that this can slow down extraction substantially (PDFBOX-956) and sometimes remove characters that were not in fact duplicated (PDFBOX-1155). By default this is disabled.
      • setExtractAnnotationText

        public void setExtractAnnotationText​(boolean extractAnnotationText)
        If true (the default), text in annotations will be extracted.
      • setSortByPosition

        public void setSortByPosition​(boolean sortByPosition)
        If true, sort text tokens by their x/y position before extracting text. This may be necessary for some PDFs (if the text tokens are not rendered "in order"), while for other PDFs it can produce the wrong result (for example if there are 2 columns, the text will be interleaved). Default is false.
      • setAverageCharTolerance

        public void setAverageCharTolerance​(Float averageCharTolerance)
        See PDFTextStripper.setAverageCharTolerance(float)
      • setSpacingTolerance

        public void setSpacingTolerance​(Float spacingTolerance)
        See PDFTextStripper.setSpacingTolerance(float)
      • setAccessChecker

        public void setAccessChecker​(AccessChecker accessChecker)
      • setCatchIntermediateIOExceptions

        public void setCatchIntermediateIOExceptions​(boolean catchIntermediateIOExceptions)
        The PDFBox parser will throw an IOException if there is a problem with a stream. If this is set to true, Tika's PDFParser will catch these exceptions and try to parse the rest of the document. After the parse is completed, Tika's PDFParser will throw the first caught exception.
        catchIntermediateIOExceptions -
      • setOcrStrategy

        public void setOcrStrategy​(PDFParserConfig.OCR_STRATEGY ocrStrategy)
        Which strategy to use for OCR
        ocrStrategy -
      • setOcrStrategy

        public void setOcrStrategy​(String ocrStrategyString)
        Which strategy to use for OCR
        ocrStrategyString -
      • getOcrImageFormatName

        public String getOcrImageFormatName()
        String representation of the image format used to render the page image for OCR (examples: png, tiff, jpeg)
      • setOcrImageFormatName

        public void setOcrImageFormatName​(String ocrImageFormatName)
        ocrImageFormatName - name of image format used to render page image
        See Also:
      • getOcrImageType

        public org.apache.pdfbox.rendering.ImageType getOcrImageType()
        Image type used to render the page image for OCR.
        image type
        See Also:
      • setOcrImageType

        public void setOcrImageType​(org.apache.pdfbox.rendering.ImageType ocrImageType)
        Image type used to render the page image for OCR.
        ocrImageType -
      • setOcrImageType

        public void setOcrImageType​(String ocrImageTypeString)
        Image type used to render the page image for OCR.
        See Also:
      • getOcrDPI

        public int getOcrDPI()
        Dots per inch used to render the page image for OCR
        dots per inch
      • setOcrDPI

        public void setOcrDPI​(int ocrDPI)
        Dots per inch used to render the page image for OCR. This does not apply to all image formats.
        ocrDPI -
      • getOcrImageQuality

        public float getOcrImageQuality()
        Image quality used to render the page image for OCR. This does not apply to all image formats
      • setOcrImageQuality

        public void setOcrImageQuality​(float ocrImageQuality)
        Image quality used to render the page image for OCR. This does not apply to all image formats
      • getOcrImageScale

        public float getOcrImageScale()
        as of Tika 1.23, this is no longer used in rendering page images; use setOcrDPI(int)
        Scale to use if rendering a page and then running OCR on that rendered image. Default is 2.0f.
      • setOcrImageScale

        public void setOcrImageScale​(float ocrImageScale)
        (as of Tika 1.23, this is no longer used in rendering page images)
        ocrImageScale -
      • setExtractActions

        public void setExtractActions​(boolean v)
        Whether or not to extract PDActions from the file. Most Action types are handled inline; javascript macros are processed as embedded documents.
        v -
      • getExtractActions

        public boolean getExtractActions()
        whether or not to extract PDActions
        See Also:
      • getMaxMainMemoryBytes

        public long getMaxMainMemoryBytes()
        The maximum amount of memory to use when loading a pdf into a PDDocument. Additional buffering is done using a temp file.
      • setMaxMainMemoryBytes

        public void setMaxMainMemoryBytes​(long maxMainMemoryBytes)
      • setSetKCMS

        public void setSetKCMS​(boolean setKCMS)

        Whether to call System.setProperty("sun.java2d.cmm", "sun.java2d.cmm.kcms.KcmsServiceProvider"). KCMS is the unmaintained, legacy provider and is far faster than the newer replacement. However, there are stability and security risks with using the unmaintained legacy provider.

        Note, of course, that this is not thread safe. If the value is false in your first thread, and the second thread changes this to true, the system property in the first thread will now be true.

        Default is false.

        setKCMS - whether or not to set KCMS
      • getSetKCMS

        public boolean getSetKCMS()
      • setDetectAngles

        public void setDetectAngles​(boolean detectAngles)
      • getDetectAngles

        public boolean getDetectAngles()
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object