Uses of Class

Packages that use MediaType
org.apache.tika.config Tika configuration tools. 
org.apache.tika.detect Media type detection. 
org.apache.tika.extractor Extraction of component documents. 
org.apache.tika.fork Forked parser. 
org.apache.tika.mime Media type information. 
org.apache.tika.parser Tika parsers. 
org.apache.tika.parser.external External parser process. 

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.config

Methods in org.apache.tika.config with parameters of type MediaType
 Parser TikaConfig.getParser(MediaType mimeType)
          Deprecated. Use the TikaConfig.getParser() method instead

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.detect

Methods in org.apache.tika.detect that return MediaType
 MediaType TypeDetector.detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)
          Detects the content type of an input document based on a type hint given in the input metadata.
 MediaType TextDetector.detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)
          Looks at the beginning of the document input stream to determine whether the document is text or not.
 MediaType NameDetector.detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)
          Detects the content type of an input document based on the document name given in the input metadata.
 MediaType MagicDetector.detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)
 MediaType EmptyDetector.detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)
 MediaType Detector.detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)
          Detects the content type of the given input document.
 MediaType CompositeDetector.detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)

Methods in org.apache.tika.detect with parameters of type MediaType
static MagicDetector MagicDetector.parse(MediaType mediaType, String type, String offset, String value, String mask)

Constructors in org.apache.tika.detect with parameters of type MediaType
MagicDetector(MediaType type, byte[] pattern)
          Creates a detector for input documents that have the exact given byte pattern at the beginning of the document stream.
MagicDetector(MediaType type, byte[] pattern, byte[] mask, boolean isRegex, int offsetRangeBegin, int offsetRangeEnd)
          Creates a detector for input documents that meet the specified magic match.
MagicDetector(MediaType type, byte[] pattern, byte[] mask, int offsetRangeBegin, int offsetRangeEnd)
          Creates a detector for input documents that meet the specified magic match.
MagicDetector(MediaType type, byte[] pattern, int offset)
          Creates a detector for input documents that have the exact given byte pattern at the given offset of the document stream.

Constructor parameters in org.apache.tika.detect with type arguments of type MediaType
NameDetector(Map<Pattern,MediaType> patterns)
          Creates a new content type detector based on the given name patterns.

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.extractor

Methods in org.apache.tika.extractor with parameters of type MediaType
 void EmbeddedResourceHandler.handle(String filename, MediaType mediaType, InputStream stream)
          Called to process an embedded resource within the container.

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.fork

Methods in org.apache.tika.fork that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> ForkParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.mime

Fields in org.apache.tika.mime declared as MediaType
static MediaType MediaType.APPLICATION_XML
static MediaType MediaType.APPLICATION_ZIP
static MediaType MediaType.OCTET_STREAM
static MediaType MediaType.TEXT_HTML
static MediaType MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN

Methods in org.apache.tika.mime that return MediaType
static MediaType MediaType.application(String type)
static MediaType type)
 MediaType MimeTypes.detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)
          Automatically detects the MIME type of a document based on magic markers in the stream prefix and any given metadata hints.
 MediaType MediaType.getBaseType()
          Returns the base form of the MediaType, excluding any parameters, such as "text/plain" for "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
 MediaType MediaTypeRegistry.getSupertype(MediaType type)
          Returns the supertype of the given type.
 MediaType MimeType.getType()
          Returns the normalized media type name.
static MediaType MediaType.image(String type)
 MediaType MediaTypeRegistry.normalize(MediaType type)
static MediaType MediaType.parse(String string)
          Parses the given string to a media type.
static MediaType MediaType.text(String type)
static MediaType type)

Methods in org.apache.tika.mime that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 SortedSet<MediaType> MediaTypeRegistry.getAliases(MediaType type)
          Returns the set of known aliases of the given canonical media type.
 SortedSet<MediaType> MediaTypeRegistry.getTypes()
          Returns the set of all known canonical media types.
static Set<MediaType> MediaType.set(MediaType... types)
          Convenience method that returns an unmodifiable set that contains all the given media types.
static Set<MediaType> MediaType.set(String... types)
          Convenience method that parses the given media type strings and returns an unmodifiable set that contains all the parsed types.

Methods in org.apache.tika.mime with parameters of type MediaType
 void MediaTypeRegistry.addAlias(MediaType type, MediaType alias)
 void MediaTypeRegistry.addSuperType(MediaType type, MediaType supertype)
 void MediaTypeRegistry.addType(MediaType type)
 int MediaType.compareTo(MediaType that)
 SortedSet<MediaType> MediaTypeRegistry.getAliases(MediaType type)
          Returns the set of known aliases of the given canonical media type.
 MediaType MediaTypeRegistry.getSupertype(MediaType type)
          Returns the supertype of the given type.
 boolean MediaTypeRegistry.isInstanceOf(MediaType a, MediaType b)
          Checks whether the given media type equals the given base type or is a specialization of it.
 boolean MediaTypeRegistry.isInstanceOf(String a, MediaType b)
          Parses and normalises the given media type string and checks whether the result equals the given base type or is a specialization of it.
 boolean MediaTypeRegistry.isSpecializationOf(MediaType a, MediaType b)
          Checks whether the given media type a is a specialization of a more generic type b.
 MediaType MediaTypeRegistry.normalize(MediaType type)
static Set<MediaType> MediaType.set(MediaType... types)
          Convenience method that returns an unmodifiable set that contains all the given media types.
 void MimeTypes.setSuperType(MimeType type, MediaType parent)

Constructors in org.apache.tika.mime with parameters of type MediaType
MediaType(MediaType type, Charset charset)
          Creates a media type by adding the "charset" parameter to a base type.
MediaType(MediaType type, Map<String,String> parameters)
MediaType(MediaType type, String name, String value)
          Creates a media type by adding a parameter to a base type.

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Map<MediaType,List<Parser>> CompositeParser.findDuplicateParsers(ParseContext context)
          Utility method that goes through all the component parsers and finds all media types for which more than one parser declares support.
 Map<MediaType,Parser> CompositeParser.getParsers()
          Returns the component parsers.
 Map<MediaType,Parser> DefaultParser.getParsers(ParseContext context)
 Map<MediaType,Parser> CompositeParser.getParsers(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> ParserDecorator.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
          Delegates the method call to the decorated parser.
 Set<MediaType> Parser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
          Returns the set of media types supported by this parser when used with the given parse context.
 Set<MediaType> NetworkParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> ErrorParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> EmptyParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> DelegatingParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> CryptoParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> CompositeParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Method parameters in org.apache.tika.parser with type arguments of type MediaType
 void CompositeParser.setParsers(Map<MediaType,Parser> parsers)
          Sets the component parsers.
static Parser ParserDecorator.withTypes(Parser parser, Set<MediaType> types)
          Decorates the given parser so that it always claims to support parsing of the given media types.

Constructor parameters in org.apache.tika.parser with type arguments of type MediaType
CryptoParser(String transformation, Provider provider, Set<MediaType> types)
CryptoParser(String transformation, Set<MediaType> types)
NetworkParser(URI uri, Set<MediaType> supportedTypes)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.asm

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.asm that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> ClassParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> MidiParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> AudioParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.chm

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.chm that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> ChmParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.crypto

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.crypto that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> Pkcs7Parser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.dwg

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.dwg that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> DWGParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.epub

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.epub that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> EpubParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> EpubContentParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.executable

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.executable that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> ExecutableParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.external

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.external that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> ExternalParser.getSupportedTypes()
 Set<MediaType> ExternalParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Method parameters in org.apache.tika.parser.external with type arguments of type MediaType
 void ExternalParser.setSupportedTypes(Set<MediaType> supportedTypes)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.feed

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.feed that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> FeedParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.font

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.font that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> TrueTypeParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> AdobeFontMetricParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.hdf

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.hdf that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> HDFParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.html

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.html that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> HtmlParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.image

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.image that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> TiffParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> PSDParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> ImageParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.iptc

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.iptc that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> IptcAnpaParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.iwork

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.iwork that return MediaType
 MediaType IWorkPackageParser.IWORKDocumentType.getType()

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.iwork that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> IWorkPackageParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.jpeg

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.jpeg that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> JpegParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.mail

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.mail that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> RFC822Parser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.mbox

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.mbox that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> MboxParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in

Fields in declared as MediaType
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.COMP_OBJ
          Some other kind of embedded document, in a CompObj container within another OLE2 document
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.DOC
          Microsoft Word
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.GENERAL_EMBEDDED
          General embedded document type within an OLE2 container
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.MPP
          Microsoft Project
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.MSG
          Microsoft Outlook
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.OLE
          The OLE base file format
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.OLE10_NATIVE
          An OLE10 Native embedded document within another OLE2 document
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.OOXML_PROTECTED
          The protected OOXML base file format
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.PPT
          Microsoft PowerPoint
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.PUB
          Microsoft Publisher
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.SDA
          StarOffice Draw
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.SDC
          StarOffice Calc
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.SDD
          StarOffice Impress
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.SDW
          StarOffice Writer
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.VSD
          Microsoft Visio
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.WPS
          Microsoft Works
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.XLR
          Microsoft Works Spreadsheet 7.0
static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.XLS
          Microsoft Excel

Methods in that return MediaType
 MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)
protected static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.detect(Set<String> names)
          Deprecated. Use POIFSContainerDetector.detect(Set, DirectoryEntry) and pass the root entry of the filesystem whose type is to be detected, as a second argument.
protected static MediaType POIFSContainerDetector.detect(Set<String> names, org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DirectoryEntry root)
          Internal detection of the specific kind of OLE2 document, based on the names of the top-level streams within the file.
 MediaType OfficeParser.POIFSDocumentType.getType()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> TNEFParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> OfficeParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in

Fields in with type parameters of type MediaType
protected static Set<MediaType> OOXMLParser.SUPPORTED_TYPES
protected static Set<MediaType> OOXMLParser.UNSUPPORTED_OOXML_TYPES
          We claim to support all OOXML files, but we actually don't support a small number of them.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> OOXMLParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.mp3

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.mp3 that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> Mp3Parser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.mp4

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.mp4 that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> MP4Parser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.netcdf

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.netcdf that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> NetCDFParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.odf

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.odf that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> OpenDocumentParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> OpenDocumentContentParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.pdf

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.pdf that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> PDFParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.pkg

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.pkg that return MediaType
 MediaType ZipContainerDetector.detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)
static MediaType ZipContainerDetector.detectOfficeOpenXML(org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage pkg)
          Detects the type of an OfficeOpenXML (OOXML) file from opened Package

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.pkg that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> PackageParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> CompressorParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.prt

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.prt that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> PRTParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.rtf

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.rtf that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> RTFParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.txt

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.txt that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> TXTParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> FLVParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

Uses of MediaType in org.apache.tika.parser.xml

Methods in org.apache.tika.parser.xml that return types with arguments of type MediaType
 Set<MediaType> XMLParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)
 Set<MediaType> FictionBookParser.getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)

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