Class ListManager

  • public class ListManager
    extends AbstractListManager
    Computes the number text which goes at the beginning of each list paragraph

    Note: This class only handles the raw number text and does not apply any further formatting as described in [MS-DOC], v20140721,, Part 3 to it.

    Note 2: The tplc, a visual override for the appearance of list levels, as defined in [MS-DOC], v20140721, 2.9.328 is not taken care of in this class.

    Further, this class does not yet handle overrides

    • Constructor Detail

      • ListManager

        public ListManager​(org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument document)
        Ordinary constructor for a new list reader
        document - Document to process
    • Method Detail

      • getFormattedNumber

        public String getFormattedNumber​(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Paragraph paragraph)
        Get the formatted number for a given paragraph

        Note: This only works correctly if called subsequently for all paragraphs in a valid selection (main document, text field, ...) which are part of a list.

        paragraph - list paragraph to process
        String which represents the numbering of this list paragraph; never null, can be empty string, though, if something goes wrong in getList()
        IllegalArgumentException - If the given paragraph is null or is not part of a list