Class XMLDOMUtil


public class XMLDOMUtil extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • XMLDOMUtil

      public XMLDOMUtil()
  • Method Details

    • mapifyAttrs

      public static Map<String,String> mapifyAttrs(Node node, Map<String,String> overwrite)
      This grabs the attributes from a dom node and overwrites those values with those specified by the overwrite map.
      node - node for building
      overwrite - map of attributes to overwrite
      map of attributes
    • getInt

      public static int getInt(String attrName, Map<String,String> runtimeAttributes, Node docElement)
      Get an int value. Try the runtime attributes first and then back off to the document element. Throw a RuntimeException if the attribute is not found or if the value is not parseable as an int.
      attrName - attribute name to find
      runtimeAttributes - runtime attributes
      docElement - correct element that should have specified attribute
      specified int value
    • getLong

      public static long getLong(String attrName, Map<String,String> runtimeAttributes, Node docElement)
      Get a long value. Try the runtime attributes first and then back off to the document element. Throw a RuntimeException if the attribute is not found or if the value is not parseable as a long.
      attrName - attribute name to find
      runtimeAttributes - runtime attributes
      docElement - correct element that should have specified attribute
      specified long value