Class RereadableInputStream

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class RereadableInputStream extends InputStream
Wraps an input stream, reading it only once, but making it available for rereading an arbitrary number of times. The stream's bytes are stored in memory up to a user specified maximum, and then stored in a temporary file which is deleted when this class's close() method is called.
  • Constructor Details

    • RereadableInputStream

      public RereadableInputStream(InputStream inputStream)
      Creates a rereadable input stream with defaults of 512*1024*1024 bytes (500M) for maxBytesInMemory and both readToEndOfStreamOnFirstRewind and closeOriginalStreamOnClose set to true
      inputStream - stream containing the source of data
    • RereadableInputStream

      public RereadableInputStream(InputStream inputStream, boolean closeOriginalStreamOnClose)
      Creates a rereadable input stream defaulting to 512*1024*1024 bytes (500M) for maxBytesInMemory
      inputStream - stream containing the source of data
    • RereadableInputStream

      public RereadableInputStream(InputStream inputStream, int maxBytesInMemory)
      Creates a rereadable input stream with closeOriginalStreamOnClose set to true
      inputStream - stream containing the source of data
      maxBytesInMemory - maximum number of bytes to use to store the stream's contents in memory before switching to disk; note that the instance will preallocate a byte array whose size is maxBytesInMemory. This byte array will be made available for garbage collection (i.e. its reference set to null) when the content size exceeds the array's size, when close() is called, or when there are no more references to the instance.
    • RereadableInputStream

      public RereadableInputStream(InputStream inputStream, int maxBytesInMemory, boolean closeOriginalStreamOnClose)
      Creates a rereadable input stream.
      inputStream - stream containing the source of data
      maxBytesInMemory - maximum number of bytes to use to store the stream's contents in memory before switching to disk; note that the instance will preallocate a byte array whose size is maxBytesInMemory. This byte array will be made available for garbage collection (i.e. its reference set to null) when the content size exceeds the array's size, when close() is called, or when there are no more references to the instance.
  • Method Details

    • read

      public int read() throws IOException
      Reads a byte from the stream, saving it in the store if it is being read from the original stream. Implements the abstract
      Specified by:
      read in class InputStream
      the read byte, or -1 on end of stream.
    • rewind

      public void rewind() throws IOException
      "Rewinds" the stream to the beginning for rereading.
    • close

      public void close() throws IOException
      Closes the input stream and removes the temporary file if one was created.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
      close in class InputStream