Class StreamOutRPWFSConsumer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StreamOutRPWFSConsumer extends AbstractFSConsumer
This uses the JsonStreamingSerializer to write out a single metadata object at a time.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • processFileResource

      public boolean processFileResource(FileResource fileResource)
      Description copied from class: FileResourceConsumer
      Main piece of code that needs to be implemented. Clients are responsible for closing streams and handling the exceptions that they'd like to handle.

      Unchecked throwables can be thrown past this, of course. When an unchecked throwable is thrown, this logs the error, and then rethrows the exception. Clients/subclasses should make sure to catch and handle everything they can.

      The design goal is that the whole process should close up and shutdown soon after an unchecked exception or error is thrown.

      Make sure to call FileResourceConsumer.incrementHandledExceptions() appropriately in your implementation of this method.

      Specified by:
      processFileResource in class FileResourceConsumer
      fileResource - resource to process
      whether or not a file was successfully processed
    • getOutputEncoding

      public String getOutputEncoding()
    • setOutputEncoding

      public void setOutputEncoding(String outputEncoding)