Interface EncodingDetector

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BOMDetector, CompositeEncodingDetector, DefaultEncodingDetector, HtmlEncodingDetector, Icu4jEncodingDetector, NonDetectingEncodingDetector, StandardHtmlEncodingDetector, UniversalEncodingDetector

public interface EncodingDetector extends Serializable
Character encoding detector. Implementations of this interface use various heuristics to detect the character encoding of a text document based on given input metadata or the first few bytes of the document stream.
Apache Tika 0.4
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)
    Detects the character encoding of the given text document, or null if the encoding of the document can not be detected.
  • Method Details

    • detect

      Charset detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata) throws IOException
      Detects the character encoding of the given text document, or null if the encoding of the document can not be detected.

      If the document input stream is not available, then the first argument may be null. Otherwise the detector may read bytes from the start of the stream to help in encoding detection. The given stream is guaranteed to support the mark feature and the detector is expected to mark the stream before reading any bytes from it, and to reset the stream before returning. The stream must not be closed by the detector.

      The given input metadata is only read, not modified, by the detector.

      input - text document input stream, or null
      metadata - input metadata for the document
      detected character encoding, or null
      IOException - if the document input stream could not be read