Class StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit extends StreamObjectHeaderStart
An 32-bit header for a compound object would indicate the start of a stream object
  • Field Details

    • largeLength

      public Compact64bitInt largeLength
      Gets or sets an optional compact uint64 that specifies the length in bytes for additional data (if any). This field MUST be specified if the Length field contains 32767 and MUST NOT be specified if the Length field contains any other value than 32767.
  • Constructor Details

    • StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit

      public StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit(StreamObjectTypeHeaderStart type, int length)
      Initializes a new instance of the StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit class with specified type and length.
      type - Specify the type of the StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit.
      length - Specify the length of the StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit.
    • StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit

      public StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit()
      Initializes a new instance of the StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit class, this is the default constructor.
    • StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit

      public StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit(StreamObjectTypeHeaderStart streamObjectTypeHeaderStart)
      Initializes a new instance of the StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit class with specified type.
      streamObjectTypeHeaderStart - Specify the type of the StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit.
  • Method Details

    • serializeToByteList

      public List<Byte> serializeToByteList() throws IOException
      This method is used to convert the element of StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit basic object into a byte List.
      Specified by:
      serializeToByteList in interface IFSSHTTPBSerializable
      Specified by:
      serializeToByteList in class BasicObject
      Return the byte list which store the byte information of StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit.
    • doDeserializeFromByteArray

      protected int doDeserializeFromByteArray(byte[] byteArray, int startIndex) throws IOException, TikaException
      This method is used to deserialize the StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit basic object from the specified byte array and start index.
      Specified by:
      doDeserializeFromByteArray in class BasicObject
      byteArray - Specify the byte array.
      startIndex - Specify the start index from the byte array.
      Return the length in byte of the StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit basic object.