Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher
Classes in org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher used by org.apache.tika.pipes
Classes in org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher used by org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcherClassDescriptionInterface for an object that will fetch an InputStream given a fetch string.Utility class to hold multiple fetchers.
Classes in org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher used by org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher.azblobClassDescriptionInterface for an object that will fetch an InputStream given a fetch string.
Classes in org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher used by org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher.fsClassDescriptionInterface for an object that will fetch an InputStream given a fetch string.
Classes in org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher used by org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher.gcsClassDescriptionInterface for an object that will fetch an InputStream given a fetch string.
Classes in org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher used by org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher.httpClassDescriptionInterface for an object that will fetch an InputStream given a fetch string.This class extracts a range of bytes from a given fetch key.
Classes in org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher used by org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher.s3ClassDescriptionInterface for an object that will fetch an InputStream given a fetch string.This class extracts a range of bytes from a given fetch key.
Classes in org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher used by org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher.urlClassDescriptionInterface for an object that will fetch an InputStream given a fetch string.
Classes in org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher used by org.apache.tika.pipes.fetchers.microsoftgraphClassDescriptionInterface for an object that will fetch an InputStream given a fetch string.
Classes in org.apache.tika.pipes.fetcher used by org.apache.tika.server.core