Class MagikaDetector

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Detector

    public class MagikaDetector
    extends Object
    implements Detector
    Simple wrapper around Google's magika: The tool must be installed on the host where Tika is running. The default behavior is to run detection, report the results in the metadata and then return null so that other detectors will be used.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static Property MAGIKA_STATUS

        public static Property MAGIKA_DESCRIPTION

        public static Property MAGIKA_SCORE

        public static Property MAGIKA_GROUP

        public static Property MAGIKA_LABEL

        public static Property MAGIKA_MIME

        public static Property MAGIKA_IS_TEXT

        public static Property MAGIKA_ERRORS

        public static Property MAGIKA_VERSION
    • Constructor Detail

      • MagikaDetector

        public MagikaDetector()
    • Method Detail

      • checkHasMagika

        public static boolean checkHasMagika​(String magikaCommandPath)
      • detect

        public MediaType detect​(InputStream input,
                                Metadata metadata)
                         throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Detector
        Detects the content type of the given input document. Returns application/octet-stream if the type of the document can not be detected.

        If the document input stream is not available, then the first argument may be null. Otherwise the detector may read bytes from the start of the stream to help in type detection. The given stream is guaranteed to support the mark feature and the detector is expected to mark the stream before reading any bytes from it, and to reset the stream before returning. The stream must not be closed by the detector.

        The given input metadata is only read, not modified, by the detector.

        Specified by:
        detect in interface Detector
        input - document input stream, or null
        metadata - input metadata for the document
        mime as identified by the file command or application/octet-stream otherwise
      • setUseMime

        public void setUseMime​(boolean useMime)
        As default behavior, Tika runs magika to add its detection to the metadata, but NOT to use detection in determining parsers etc. If this is set to true, this detector will return the first mime detected by magika and that mime will be used by the AutoDetectParser to select the appropriate parser.
        useMime -
      • isUseMime

        public boolean isUseMime()
      • setMagikaPath

        public void setMagikaPath​(String fileCommandPath)
      • setMaxBytes

        public void setMaxBytes​(int maxBytes)
        If this is not called on a TikaInputStream, this detector will spool up to this many bytes to a file to be detected by the 'file' command.
        maxBytes -
      • setTimeoutMs

        public void setTimeoutMs​(long timeoutMs)