Class LanguageResult

  • public class LanguageResult
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • LanguageResult

        public LanguageResult​(String language,
                              LanguageConfidence confidence,
                              float rawScore)
        language - ISO 639-1 language code (plus optional country code)
        rawScore - confidence of detector in the result.
    • Method Detail

      • getLanguage

        public String getLanguage()
        The ISO 639-1 language code (plus optional country code)
        a string representation of the language code
      • getRawScore

        public float getRawScore()
      • isReasonablyCertain

        public boolean isReasonablyCertain()
      • isUnknown

        public boolean isUnknown()
      • isLanguage

        public boolean isLanguage​(String language)
        Return true if the target language matches the detected language. We consider it a match if, for the precision requested or detected, it matches. This means: target | detected | match? zh | en | false zh | zh | true zh | zh-CN | true zh-CN | zh | true zh-CN | zh-TW | false zh-CN | zh-cn | true (case-insensitive)
        language -