Class | Description |
ZeroByteFileException.IgnoreZeroByteFileException |
Exception | Description |
AccessPermissionException |
Exception to be thrown when a document does not allow content extraction.
CorruptedFileException |
This exception should be thrown when the parse absolutely, positively has to stop.
EncryptedDocumentException | |
RuntimeSAXException |
Use this to throw a SAXException in subclassed methods that don't throw SAXExceptions
TikaConfigException |
Tika Config Exception is an exception to occur when there is an error
in Tika config file and/or one or more of the parsers failed to initialize
from that erroneous config.
TikaException |
Tika exception
TikaMemoryLimitException | |
UnsupportedFormatException |
Parsers should throw this exception when they encounter
a file format that they do not support.
WriteLimitReachedException |
Transitional class to Tika 2.x.
ZeroByteFileException |
Exception thrown by the AutoDetectParser when a file contains zero-bytes.
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