Interface LoadErrorHandler

public interface LoadErrorHandler
Interface for error handling strategies in service class loading. You can implement this interface for a custom error handling mechanism, or use one of the predefined strategies.
Apache Tika 0.9
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final LoadErrorHandler
    Strategy that simply ignores all problems.
    static final LoadErrorHandler
    Strategy that throws a RuntimeException with the given throwable as the root cause, thus interrupting the entire service loading operation.
    static final LoadErrorHandler
    Strategy that logs warnings of all problems using a Logger created using the given class name.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    handleLoadError(String classname, Throwable throwable)
    Handles a problem encountered when trying to load the specified service class.
  • Field Details

    • IGNORE

      static final LoadErrorHandler IGNORE
      Strategy that simply ignores all problems.
    • WARN

      static final LoadErrorHandler WARN
      Strategy that logs warnings of all problems using a Logger created using the given class name.
    • THROW

      static final LoadErrorHandler THROW
      Strategy that throws a RuntimeException with the given throwable as the root cause, thus interrupting the entire service loading operation.
  • Method Details

    • handleLoadError

      void handleLoadError(String classname, Throwable throwable)
      Handles a problem encountered when trying to load the specified service class. The implementation can log or otherwise process the given error information. If the method returns normally, then the service loader simply skips this class and continues with the next one.
      classname - name of the service class
      throwable - the encountered problem