Class TikaGrpc.TikaFutureStub

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class TikaGrpc.TikaFutureStub
    extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractFutureStub<TikaGrpc.TikaFutureStub>
    A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service Tika.
     The Tika Grpc Service definition
    • Method Detail

      • saveFetcher

        public<SaveFetcherReply> saveFetcher​(SaveFetcherRequest request)
        Save a fetcher to the fetcher store.   
      • getFetcher

        public<GetFetcherReply> getFetcher​(GetFetcherRequest request)
        Get a fetcher's data from the fetcher store.   
      • listFetchers

        public<ListFetchersReply> listFetchers​(ListFetchersRequest request)
        List fetchers that are currently in the fetcher store.   
      • fetchAndParse

        public<FetchAndParseReply> fetchAndParse​(FetchAndParseRequest request)
        Using a Fetcher in the fetcher store, send a FetchAndParse request. This will fetch, parse, and return
        the FetchParseTuple data output from Tika Pipes. This is a synchronous call that immediately returns 1 result.