Apache Tika 1.19.1
The most notable changes in Tika 1.19.1 over the previous release are:
- Upgrade PDFBox to 2.0.12, jempbox to 1.8.16 and jbig2 to 2.0.2 (TIKA-2745).
- Fix regression in parser for MP3 files (TIKA-2730).
- Updated Python Dependency Check for TesseractOCR (TIKA-2740).
- Improve SAXParser robustness (TIKA-2727).
- Remove dependency on slf4j-log4j12 by upgrading jmatio (TIKA-2742).
The following people have contributed to Tika 1.19.1 by submitting or commenting on the issues resolved in this release:
- Boris Petrov
- Markus Mandalka
- Slava G
- Thomas Mortagne
- Tim Allison
See https://s.apache.org/B8Tp for more details on these contributions.