Apache Tika 3.0.0
The most notable change in Tika 3.0.0 over the previous 3.0.0-BETA2 release is:
- Fix regression in TextAndCSVParser (TIKA-4278).(TIKA-4278).
The following people have contributed to Tika 3.0.0 by submitting or commenting on the issues resolved in this release:
- Alexander Veit
- Alexey Pelykh
- Bartek Ciszkowski
- Dmitrii Kriukov
- Gregory Lepore
- Kartik Jain
- Lonzak
- Manfred Baedke
- Matthias Juchmes
- Mingchun Zhao
- Nicholas DiPiazza
- Nicolas Daniels
- Nissim Shiman
- Robert Fromholz
- Robin Schimpf
- Thomas Mortagne
- Tika User
- Tilman Hausherr
- Tim Allison
- Xiaohong Yang
See https://s.apache.org/hmf6v for more details on these contributions.